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Cancer care review clinics

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a scary and stressful time for you and your loved ones. Personalised cancer care recognises that people with cancer deserve the right care and support to enable them to live well throughout their treatment and beyond.

One way that your GP practice can provide this support is via the Cancer Care review.

If you have received a cancer diagnosis you should be invited to attend this review with your practice nurse at approx. 12 months post diagnosis. You will also receive a phone call shortly after your diagnosis just to check in on you and see if there is anything additional, we can do to support you at this time.

The cancer care review is a chance for you to have a conversation with your practice nurse about your treatment, any issues you may be facing and how we can support you during this time. We understand that you have a lot of appointments during your treatment so this review can be done over the phone if that suits you better.

You may be sent a document called a concerns checklist via a text message prior to the appointment. This is a short self-assessment for you to complete on what issues, both physical, social, and emotional, may be bothering you. During your review we will go through the checklist with you and address any concerns you might have.

If you have not received an invite and think you would benefit from this, please call your practice, and request an appointment for a cancer care review.

For more information on Personalised care and the cancer care review please follow link below:

Personalising your care :: South East London Cancer Alliance (

Support Services

There are many services available to support you and your loved ones when you have received a cancer diagnosis as well as during any treatment you may have and beyond. You may find some of the following services helpful:

Cancer Care Map is a simple, online resource that aims to help you find cancer support services in your local area wherever you are in the UK. 

Homepage | Cancer Care Map

Health and Wellbeing Events (HWBEs) are education and support sessions that provide individuals living with or beyond cancer with information to live as healthily and actively as possible during or after cancer treatment

Cancer Wellbeing London

SELCA aims to deliver high quality cancer services across community, primary, and secondary care in south east London. The website contains a range of information and resources designed to help patients, carers, and families at all stages of cancer screening, diagnosis, and beyond.

Look Good Feel Better is a leading cancer support charity aimed at boosting the physical and emotional wellbeing of people living with cancer.

Currently they provide online workshops covering skincare and make-up; grooming; hair loss, haircare and wig advice and nail care.

A leading cancer support charity - Look Good Feel Better : Look Good Feel Better

Through Bupa, Macmillan are offering up to six counselling sessions, free for people struggling emotionally because of cancer.

Free specialist counselling for people with cancer - Macmillan Cancer Support

Life after Cancer brings people together who have finished cancer treatment to form support groups, with an aim to increase their physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing.

Life after Cancer | Free Support Groups | Coaching | United Kingdom (

The 12-week Southwark GP Exercise Referral service has been designed to help inactive people that are struggling with their mental and physical health. The Kickstart and Active boost programmes are both suitable for patients after cancer treatment. Please ask your GP or practice nurse to refer you.

Exercise Referral.pdf (

Walking Groups- The walks are open to all, last no longer than one-hour, shorter distance options are available for beginners and those with long term health conditions. If you have any questions or queries, please email the scheme coordinator:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Everyone Health Walks Southwark | Walking for Health

Active you at GSTT is a physical activity programme adapted for people living with cancer. The programme offers ongoing support, signposting to options including cancer classes at Guy's hospital, gym programmes, walking or physical activity groups, and one to one cancer rehabilitation

Tel - 020 7188 9654 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Untire app is based on scientifically proven methods to reduce fatigue and increase energy. The easy-to-use program was developed by psychologists. patients and researchers specialized in psycho-oncology.

Patients will need a code to access the app this can be requested from Macmillan at the link below

Untire - Macmillan Cancer Support

Social prescribing- People living with cancer have varied needs and cancer can affect all aspects of life, from relationships to work or finance. Your GP or practice nurse can refer you to a team called social prescribers who can then provide you with practical advice and help you to access non-clinical local services to help support you with some of these needs.

To access social prescribing please ask your GP or practice nurse to make a referral.